Dental treatments
The dental treatments you’re covered for depend on the item number for that treatment. Some covers exclude certain procedures. Contact us for a quote on the item number or use the benefit quote function in our member portal or app.
Dental prosthetists
Benefits are paid for treatment by registered dental prosthetists at 75% of the benefit which would be payable for treatment provided by registered dentists.
Major dental
Major dental includes all dental services relating to dentures, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, facings, dental implants, endodontia, periodontia, anti-snore devices and orthodontia. Conditions apply for Mid Range Extras. Major dental is not covered on Basic Extras.
Benefits are paid for active treatment and annual limits apply. Confirmation of continuing active treatment may be required to claim.
Please note a benefit will only be payable if the dental treatment/service is completed as an in-person consultation with a registered orthodontist or dentist and not if the service is undertaken via
telephone or
online consultation.